Monday, February 24, 2014

Pay No Attention To The Man Behind the Curtain!

Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain! "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 I had the wonderful blessing of playing the part of Martin Luther the Reformer during a weekend illustrated sermon at our Church. The pastor was sharing a message about people standing in the gap through the ages for the Christian Faith and forming a bridge of sorts, from the past to our present day. Martin Luther was one of those faithful heroes! In the midst of the second performance during the second morning service I was back stage listening to the pastor and the other parts in the play. I leaned on the door between the sanctuary and the back-stage area and peered out the small window to those seated in the congregation. I could see them but they were not able to see me due to the darkness of the window and the back-stage area. I listened to the Pastor share the message during one of the scene changes where the stage crew was setting up the cross for the crucifixion scene. The crew was busily scampering about like so many ants on an ant hill. People going here and there, all with a purpose, but to the untrained eye, in chaos! Soon the scene was set up backstage and those who sat in the seats of the congregation had no idea what was happening behind the curtain. From my vantage point I looked left to the congregation, focused on the words of the pastor, and to the right to the crew racing the clock to get everything set just right for when the curtain would again be drawn back. I felt the Lord whisper to my heart that this was like a glimpse into the heavenly throne room. The people of God see only what is in their view and what has their attention, but behind the scenes God and the heavenly hosts are working mightily on our behalf to set the stage favorably for our lives. We are so often unaware of the flurry of activity taking place, the ground being taken, and the blessings being prepared as we pray and believe God for our lives. As the unlikely band of misfits came before the great and mighty Oz, they could not have known what was in store for them. At one point a little activity was noticed to the side behind a curtain to which the man (Oz) rebuked: “Pay no attention to the Man behind the curtain.” Unlike Dorothy and her crew, we are to always pay attention to the Man behind the curtain, knowing that He is ever working on our behalf, preparing the next scene for us in life! You may not know what the next scene for your life is, but one thing is sure…The One who has set the stage for you is faithful and good, able to preserve and propel you into a new and awesome adventure! Are you ready?